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ArbLeaf 2023

What is ArbLeaf?

ArbLeaf is a leaf collecting adventure set up on our beautiful

West Side (801 Elks Road Entrance). Throughout the property, we have marked 50 unique trees with orange tape on the trunk for identification. The program is running from August 15th until October 31st. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-5pm. Allow enough time to walk and collect the number of leaves needed. 


Who can participate?

Anyone can participate! Whether you are completing a school assignment, brushing up on your tree ID skills, or simply want to take a different hiking route - ArbLeaf is for you!


How much does it cost? 

ArbLeaf is completely free! No charge!


How does it work?

It is simple! Either print the map or pick one up outside the Nature Center in the brochure rack. Follow the map, orange tape, and signs to find the designated trees. The trees can be found in two separate sections of the property. If you choose to come through the Main Entrance (801 Elks Rd) the gate is open Tuesday-Saturday, 9-5pm. Otherwise, park at the East Side Entrance (corner of Hayes Arb Rd and Woodside Dr) and walk through the tunnel to access the Native Woody Plant Preserve.



Before you arrive

Figure out what type of preservation medium - book, baggies, etc - you would like to utilize.


We find the easiest method to be a large book, such as a telephone book, that can be written in. Put sticky tabs into the book to mark collection pages or parchment paper with the name of the tree printed on it. By doing this beforehand, you do not have to struggle with a pen and can properly space the leaves in order.


If you rather use baggies, make sure to mark baggies before arriving so you do not have to struggle with a marker. Bring a tote or canvas bag to keep your collection in so it does not fly away from you. 


Just remember leaves come in all shapes and sizes so you may need large books and baggies. 


How to collect a leaf

Collect leaves from the ground or on the tree. To collect from a tree, follow the instructions below:


First, find the leaf and identify whether it is simple or compound. Follow the stem of the leaf to the branch. Once your finger is at the branch, gently snap the stem backwards and the leaf will snap off. That way, you get the entire leaf sample and do not damage the tree in the process.  


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