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The mission of Hayes Arboretum is to provide nature and recreation related education to its visitors through instruction, experiences and amenities.

Arboretum Overview

Hayes Arboretum is the educational project of S.W. Hayes Research Foundation, Inc.

Our educational activities and the experiences we offer focus on both nature and recreational programs. There are 466 acres located in Richmond, Indiana that Hayes Arboretum makes available to our members and visitors. There are unique plant, rock and fossil collections as well as miles of hiking, jogging and mountain bike trails.


Other features found on his property include 3% of Indiana’s old growth forest, as well as

many acres of reforested woods. An 1833 dairy barn that acts as our Nature Center, filled

with exhibits on regional flora and fauna. There's also the Hayes Museum, where you can

learn about the Arboretum's rich history. Throughout the Arboretum you can find ponds, fields, wetlands, and even an Indian Mound. Hayes Arboretum is open free of charge to the public. There are many reasons to come and visit, so bring your friends and family and explore!


Hayes Arboretum holds many intriguing natural characteristics and unique points of interest. The 466 acres of woodlands, meadows, swamps, and streams make this an ideal place to explore the wonderment of nature and to gain an appreciation of our natural heritage. There are hiking trails that take you through the heart of a mature Beech-Maple

Forest; others take you through our Native Woody Plant Preserve or along a

trickling stream. There are also mountain bike trails open free to the public.

Simply download this waiver or stop in to the Nature Center to fill one out.



     Download a Trail Map Here        Mountain Bike Trail Map Here



For those who prefer to visit by car, we also have a beautiful driving tour that

directs you on a three-mile drive throughout the property. Remember, the Auto

Tour is free of charge to members.


Special Learning Opportunities
The Arboretum provides special learning opportunities throughout the year for preschool children to senior citizens. There are various

field trips, summer classes, workshops, programs, presentations by noteworthy speakers, special seasonal hikes, and even night hikes.

All of these programs are designed to give the learner more than just information, but an actual first hand experience in nature.


Your Membership Is Important!
Today the Arboretum has a growing membership program that allows you to help support the Arboretum's mission and also receive unique benefits in return. Through our member's support we are able to improve displays, maintain attractive trails, install new signs, etc. Some key benefits you receive as a member are discounts on programming, free Auto Tour access and discounts on renting facilities. Contributor members and above receive access to the Hayes House for overnight and day rental. Your tax dollars do not support this organization; therefore, your memberships and financial support are very meaningful to us.

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